
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fashion Show Beauty

Hi Beauties, Last week Sunday I got asked to be one of the makeup artists at the Fashion and Design Festival Fashion Show at Historic Properties at the Halifax Waterfront. Thanks to Mo who featured a new line of clutches (which I loved) I was one of 4 makeup artists there with Ria, Megan and Anna- Marie. There were three featured designers- Mo, Rebecca and John David along with some retailers. The atmosphere backstage was intense. I've worked behind the scenes at beauty pageants before but backstage at a fashion show is more intense. There is never enough time to fix the hair or reapply the lipstick because the models would be running back to get back on the runway. I even did hair that day, it was just a simple messy bun. lol

For Mo's models She wanted a cat eye with a bright lip so each of the artist came up with great ideas like orange, green, turquoise, purple glitter and tangerine-gold with some very flirty cat eyes.


The cat eye and the bright lip

Rebecca, one of the designers, Mo and her models and Mo and I and me doing one of Rebecca's models. She wanted lush lashes and a pretty face with nude lips.

Mo and her models with her clutches, Rebecca and her models, Laurie's look that I did for Rebecca's show. Rebecca's designs were so wearable and trendy. Loved it.

I had fun even though it was intense and fast paced behind the scenes. It was really an adrenaline rush. I would love to do it again. 

Oh and that fringed purse by Mo is mine!

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