
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Caught without makeup

Hi Beauties,

So I began thinking today about how comfortable would I be to go out without makeup- makeup in this case being anything at all from grooming my brows to clear lip gloss? Would I be comfortable going out in public au naturale? Would I be OK with showing the world my acne scars, my blotchiness and hyper-pigmentation, my breakouts, my dark circles under my eyes, my bushy eyebrows, my very straight eye lashes, my chapped lips, my cheeks without contouring and my oily skin? I was never one of the girls who never showed my boyfriend how I look without makeup- in fact he tells me how cute I look without it most of the times when I think about it. I've heard guys say they've never seen some girls without makeup but honestly I have to be comfortable with you enough also that I know you are going to judge me. Not that I care what people think anyway but hey I am human. I am OK with how I look without makeup but I do everything I can to enhance my natural assets. The fact is makeup is there to enhance what you already have. You don't use makeup to feel beautiful because you already are- inside and out. I take time out every day when I get home and take off the clothes, the jewelry and the makeup, hair all messed up and I look in the mirror and smile at myself.  What I will show the world however are my full lips, my round cheeks, my big beautiful eyes and my smile and makeup of course brings all of these out. I was looking at some pics of celebs without makeup like Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Halle and Rihanna. Trust me these celebs have the best makeup artists and products known to man but beneath the surface, beneath the bronzer and foundation and blush- they look just like us normal/ real women. They suffer from the same "beauty" issues like us regulars. They have oily skin, pimples, dark circles just like me and you. I mean I've seen Alicia Keys doing a proactiv ad because she suffers from bad acne. Made me feel a little bit better (that's because she is one of my bf's celeb crushes). So here are a few of our favourite beauty icons without makeup, maybe it might make some of you feel better about your skin issues and for those who don't really care.... well we all are fascinated with the lives of celebs so who are we fooling here.

But I think I'll stick to my normal routine- most days I rock maybe a bright lip or neutral shadow with black liquid liner but keep everything else minimal. After all my lips and eyes are some of my best assets. So forget what people say or think about makeup- DO YOU! If you like going au naturale like Joy whatsherface( the model chick) then do you, if you are a glam diva like Beyonce or Rhianna then do you!

Don't forget to enter the contest which ends on the 21st.

Halle looks great either way

Beyonce pretty with or without makeup

this was just a bad pic for J-Hud we all have em!

caught Eve getting ready

Rhianna looks like a normal chic, nothing wrong with that

Mariah went out proud without makeup

Joy always rocks the natural look.

feel like I could bump into kimora down the road now.

known for her sexy makeup she looks like a down to earth chic without it all.

Even models like Chanel Iman look like an average woman with out makeup

Nicki looks fine

Black really doesn't crack. Oprah looks amazing for her age.


  1. think ul like this-
    same ish! :)

  2. I think lots of people need to see these "before" or "without makeup" photos, to help them with their self-esteem issues.

    Sometimes we as women, aspire to look just like these celebrities, because all we see of them are their glamorous looks which take hours to put together by a team of experts. We pressure ourselves to look naturally how they look unnaturally, not accepting or realizing that the celebrity look in public is an illusion that they too could achieve if they had the same means.

    It is good to see firsthand that these stars look pretty 'down to earth' before their aesthetic transformations.

  3. Completely agree with the commenter above. Some people get so wrapped up in the glamour and forget that they don't look like that 24/7. Frankly I'd hate to be a celebrity; keeping up appearances everyday is a job in itself! Plus I'm the type of girl whose everyday makeup regime consists of shaping my brows, mascara, lips and blush/bronzer.

  4. Make up does wonders wow......I guess everyone can look glammed up with a enough make up :)

  5. yes ladies. if we all were celebs and expected to look glamourous every day i think we'd want to be a normal girl who can go to the corner store without makeup on or the paparazzi snapping our pics.
    @ cathrine. wow that site is pretty kool. thx

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