
Monday, January 17, 2011

After work routine

plethora of skin products


me without makeup. I have the Botanics Sauna Mask on. Yesh
Hi Beauties,

I wear makeup at least 5 days a week but I also take very good care of my skin because of this. The trick is to find products that offer "deep cleansing" ,  unclog pores, removes oil and dirty and other impurities- in essence products that will get rid of the stress left on your face due to environmental factors such as pollution and sun damage caused by exposure to UV rays. Some foundations tend to get into pores and attract oil and dirty to the face and if you are prone to break outs like me , this means you have to choose your foundation wisely but also find a good routine to take good care of your skin especially after you've taken off the makeup at the end of the day.

My routine varies alot- depends on what I have in stock, how my skin is reacting and whatever I feel like using to be honest.

First thing I do when I get home is ALWAYS remove my makeup, I bought some makeup remover wipes from a walmart brand called equate. I always look out for these wipes when I'm in a walmart. 60 wipes in a pack and I got two sets for $9 US. These are great- I use them in conjunction sometimes with my Neutrogena Deep Clean Cream Cleanser to remove any excess from my face.

Other times I use Ponds Cold Cream to remove my makeup. This is something every woman should have in her skin artillery. It is an old trusted product that brings back moisture to your skin that you may have lost in the day while removing your makeup.
Oh for heavy eye makeup which is usually pretty labour intensive to remove like waterproof mascara I use my ALMAY EYE MAKEUP REMOVER PADS- which are some of the best ,if not the best out there on the market. Costs around $6 US on or

Secondly is have a glass of water. 8 glasses of water a day is recommended by most physicians. Water is great for your skin, especially after a long day. This is essential if you live in hot or dry climates, you loose alot of water during the day whether by sweating or from dry weather, hence you have to replenish your skin's moisture. One sign to tell me that I need to drink water , is that I get very dry lips. I am drinking my water as we speak. It also helps to flush out the impurities out of your system which in turn helps to promote better skin.

Next step is to take 15 mins to relax and put on my face mask with some cucumbers on my eyes and some relaxing music while sipping on my water of course. Take the time to relax, let you body whine down after a long day, give your face a rest- literally. My favourite masks are those that claim to minimize pores, unclog pores or remove oil and dirt and impurities from your pures, this is necessary especially after a long day. I usually turn to my clay mask about twice a week because I have oily skin. For someone with normal skin you can use a mask once a week.

 Lately I have been obsessed with BOTANICS products- I am using their  Refining Sauna Mask with horsechestnut extract to help refine skin, drawing out dirt and impurities, promoting a healthy complexion. Doesn't that sound promising? Botanics products use all natural ingredients and is very affordable. Botanics can be found at Target.

Other masks I use from REIPINOL'A Natural Beauty. I bought them when I was in Barbados.  There's the Chamomile Revitalizing Facial Mask and the Sealange Lifting Facial Mask, again all natural and they only cost $1US.

There are times when I don't use the masks and go straight for my Tea Tree Oil. This is one of my favourite products. I use it for everything. Its great to clean my makeup brushes also. What is does is gets rid of bacteria that can cause break outs. So after I am done cleaning my makeup off, I use a cotton ball to apply some tea tree oil to my face to fight bacteria. I use JASON Tea Tree Oil which costs around $5 US.

So for those of you who are worried about your skin, if you wear makeup all the time, you just have to be willing to look after your skin and get products that will either soothe, deep clean or remove impurities after a long hard day at work. Love your skin ladies! Remember there's no good makeup without good skin.

Beauty inside and out.

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