
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

To Peel or not to Peel? ...that is the question

Hi Beauties,

This is my first Q&A post. Thanks to my girl Omo for asking the first question. She asked if she should consider a chemical peel to remove acne scars.

Oh and this is a long post because I am trying to give you all the info that you need.

I have done research on chemical peels numerous times. As you know I suffer from discolouration and acne scars so I decided to go to a spa a few years ago in Halifax to get a professional chemical peel done due to my uneven skin tone and some old acne scars. I went for a consultation with the esthetician, she informed me about the process and how it will be done and checked my skin type and decided if it was the right solution for me. She concluded that I would be suitable for two treatments of 20% glycolic acid (alphahodroxy acid) would be best. She also mentioned that due to the thickness of my skin ( skin with more melanin tends to be thicker) she would not be able to do a deep treatment like some one who is Caucasian .(trying to be politically correct)

She put the peeling agent on my face. It tingled a bit for about 10-15 mins then she rinsed it off then I got a cucumber face mask which helped to cool down my skin done then she applied moisturizer and sunscreen. She gave me aftercare instructions which were that there might be some flaking and dryness so use moisturizer and APPLYING SUNSCREEN IS A MUST!!! I applied an SPF 45 face suncreen by VICHY every day then I had my second treatment in 2 weeks. My skin did improve, I found that I broke out between treatments with new pimples but she said that might happen due to my skin producing excess oil and a new layer of skin being exposed. After about two to three months , I found that my uneven skin tone and my old scars were significantly improving. I exfoliated at least once a week also to get rid of old skin cells which helped give me the best results.
My skin is much better to this day even though I still have one of two dark spots from new pimples. So tha's my personal story on getting a peel done. I think the two treatments plus the consultation ran around $200. I am considering having a slight chemical peel done also just to even out my skin tone.

Here's some more info on chemical peels. NB I am not a certified esthetician. This is just from my personal experience and my own research.

A chemical peel is a chemical solution which is applied to your skin to remove damaged outer layers or peel away superficial layers of skin or the uppermost epidermis.(top layer of skin)

You can get a peel done professionally by a dermatologist or esthetician or at home with a home kit. Doing it at home is really convenient at cost effective but I still recommend speaking with a dermatologist before you try an at home peel. You don't know how your skin will react to the chemical.

At home peels can come in a variety of agents such as:
Glycolic Acid (alphahydroxy acid)
Lactic acid

Salicylic acid(betahydroxy acid)

Mandelic Acid
Enzyme peels


TCAs (
trichloroacetic acid)

Each of these can come in different percentages or concentrations and different ph levels to accommodate different skin types.

What are chemical peels used for?
Chemical peels are effective for
-anti aging purposes like getting rid of wrinkles or fine lines
-sun damage
-improving the appearance of stretch marks
-fade dark spots and age spots
-improving the texture and tone of your skin
-razor bumps
-enlarged pores
And scarring from acne.

Most chemical peels can be used safely on brown skin however a few have been proven to be more effective than others such as the lactic acid peels, glycolic acid ,salicylic acid and TCAs.
My research uncovered that many people and professionals find that TCAs are the most effective peels for home use. You do not require an anesthesia for a chemical peel but if you have a low pain tolerance you might want to take a sedative before applying it.

For women of colour, 15% to 20% TCA is usually effective, this concentration is very mild. To obtain the best results, usually a series of 4-6 peels are recommended.
TCA chemical peels are more effective than alphahydroxy acid (AHA) chemical peels (i.e. glycolic acid) in removing superficial skin, but does not penetrate deeply as carbolic acid skin peels (i.e. phenol). It is generally referred to as a "medium depth" chemical peel. The main targets of a TCA chemical peel procedure are those individuals with:
  • Fine surface wrinkles
  • Pigment discoloration (blemishes and blotches)
  • Age (liver) spots
  • Superficial acne scarring
  • Dark circles under the eyes
If you go to a doctor:
Medium peels are generally performed as office procedures on an out-patient basis, and require approximately 15-60 minutes. TCA peels will cause a burning sensation that will last about two to ten minutes.When the desired depth has been achieved, your physician will neutralize the peel by applying iced saline. Once all areas have been neutralized, your skin will return to its normal color in 15 to 45 minutes. Your face will be covered with an oil-based ointment, steroid ointment, or vegetable shortening to keep your skin moist and promote healing. Within a few days, your superficial layers of skin will turn dark, become stiff, and leathery. The skin will then crack, flake, and peel with flaking usually complete in four to seven days. Once your old skin has sloughed, your new skin will be bright and flushed.
Typically, you will be able to return to your normal activities immediately, and most people can comfortably return to public within a week. Your flushed appearance will fade slowly over several weeks.
Unlike deep peels, medium peels may be performed safely on people with olive and light brown skin. However, people with dark brown skin are at a higher risk of discoloration. WEAR SUNSCREEN AFTER YOU HAVE HAD A PEEL PLEASE!!!!!!!!

For those of you who want to try it at home:

-Go to the Dry Chemical Peel website.

-Read all of the information on the page, and decide between AHA peel, TCA peel or a combination peel.

-Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the ¨Find the cheapest chemical peels to treat these problems >>¨ link to read more about where to purchase your chemical peel.

-Visit or to purchase your home chemical peel kit.

-Scroll down the product options. Check for strength(concentration) and ingredients before purchasing product.

-Follow manufacturers instructions carefully. Check for adverse reactions before doing the actual peel.
-Prepare your skin for chemical peel as instructed by manufacturer and perform chemical peel accordingly.
-Expect some flaking and dryness. Watch how your skin´s texture improves with regular use.
-Always wear sunscreen after a peel!!
Omo asked about the Brazilian Peel package ($23 for one application of $78 for 4 applications) that you can find on

It claims to be the first professional-strength, self-neutralizing glycolic peel clinically proven safe for at-home use.
It has a 30% concentration.You can also find it on for $78 for 4 applications. It received great reviews 4 out of 5 on Here is a video on youtube of a review.

It seems to be a good choice if you have sensitive skin.

If you can't afford $78 on a chemical peel you can always try or for something more affordable. Prices range from $20 to $30 US. Here's one from

Here's a video also on a woman of colour who had a chemical peel done. (lol she used 50% concentration and it did burn)

So I hoped this helps those who are considering getting a chemical peel done whether professionally or at home. If you do decide to get it done do your research thoroughly please. If you google chemical peel images, you can see what could go wrong with a chemical peel. Remember when Samantha from Sex and the City got a chemical peel done? Yep not pretty!

Until my next question...."Remember beauty is necessary on the inside and out."


  1. I forgot to mention chemical peels vs. microdermabrasion. One's a chemical solution and one is a abrasive surface or substance rubbing the skin's surface. It seems that chemical peels work faster than microdermabrasion which can take a few more treatments than a peel but if you have sensitive skin both treatments could some one be harsh.


  3. There are many recommendations by dermatologists,but the effective and appropriate results is to be realized according to what sort of treatment suits the body.

    Chemical Peel

  4. Yes, it’s like the Do-or-Die question, actually, in every cosmetic procedure. Chemical peeling is generally safe, but for safety purposes, a patient must disclose his or her complete medical record for the doctor to determine whether the patient is allergic to any kind of medicine or treatment. This procedure is not for all skin types, so it would be best to decide on the matter with your dermatologist. ;]

  5. @Jacinto: There are some people who happen to have allergic reactions when they apply certain products or solutions on their skin. That’s why after undergoing treatment with your dermatologist, it’s important that you go back to see if there were really any dramatic changes on your skin. See if there were any improvements. If there was no progress, your skin specialist will help you find a better and more effective solution for your problem.

  6. “Always wear sunscreen after a peel!!” – Agree! Keep in mind that after a chemical peel, your skin will be very sensitive to harsh elements, such as the heat from the sun. The sunscreen serves as your protection and moisturizer at the same time, thus avoiding your skin from being irritated.
