
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Getting down to business

Hi Beauties. I'm bacccckkkkkk! So I am officially done with school, however here in little ol Nova Scotia, I still have to do a certification exam that says I am certified to do makeup in this province in Jan, then I will truly be legit. Another piece of good news is that I am now working at Clinique. I started about a week and a half ago and it has been so busy that I have even looked at a computer since then. I love my new job. I don't get to do much makeup but I get to help women and men and give advice and I am excited to learn a lot more about skin care. yay! I have also been working on my business logo since I am also going to be a Freelance MUA and I designed a business card. Take a look. Its Christmas eve... and I am blogging, This is my Christmas gift to you my followers but look out also for my New Year's giveaway contest coming soon. I think my blog is about to celebrate an Anniversary again. yay!!!!! Will keep you all updated. Just wanna say Merry Christmas to you all where ever you may be and Happy Holidays. Tis the season to be even more beautiful. XOXO

 Let me know what you think of the ads and business card design.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Curvy Geekery/Clutch Culture 1 yr Anniversary Show

Hi Beauties,
I have been MIA lately haven't I? I know but I have good reason, between studying for exams and working and other things in my life I have neglected blogging a bit. But I will try to make it up to you. On the upside I have  huge announcement..... *Drum Roll please* As of Saturday I wrote my last exam and I will be graduating on the 17th with a diploma in Professional Make Up Artistry!!!!! Yay! Thanks for all the support and I will make you guys proud. I am so ready to begin my career that I am thinking 5 to 10 yrs ahead. I have been putting alot of updates on the facebook page however since it takes less time to blog so check out the facebook page in the mean time until I post everything right here. Click this link -->

Another update... My very talented bff Mo recently reached a milestone- Her blog "Curvy Geekery" made 1 yr and she decided to throw a fashion show with her new collection of clutches called "Feeling Good" from Clutch Culture to celebrate the occasion. I got the pleasure of doing the models' makeup with another MUA- Megan Morrison and together we pulled off a dark smokey eye with false lashes and matte red lips look on all models. The show was amazing, the clutches were amazing, the entertainment was amazing, the guest looked amazing and the atmosphere was of course amazing. From this night, I know that this is what I want to do with my life.

Here are some pics from backstage courtesy of Shauna Brown.

For more pics of the runway and guests check out Mo's blog Curvy Geekery

Inspired yet? Go out and follow your dreams. Go!