ITS SUMMER TIME !!!!!!! So you all know I am a a big fan of suncreen. I was blessed with sensitive skin which turns red when irritated and the sun does a number on my skin especially when I go to the beach. Hence I use sunscreen every day- in my make up and in my lotion at an SPF of at least 15. Most foundations like MAC Studio Fix Liquid foundation comes with SPF 15. I prefer buying products with the sun screen already in it rather than having to apply foundation and sunscreen or lotion and then sunscreen. I also use the MAC Face Protectant which has an SPF 50 on really sunny days or days when I go to the beach. Now ladies, we need to get over this assumption that only Caucasians need protection from the sun. It is true that the melanin in our skin gives us more protection but we still need to be aware of how damaging the sun rays can be to our skin. Like I said before, good make up needs a good foundation ( healthy looking skin) I found this article in blackhair magazine that has some information on protecting our skin from the sun's harmful rays. Here are the main points from that article:
1. UVA rays from the sun can penetrate deeper into our skin and can cause a depression of our immune system which makes us more prone to skin cancer.
2. Just wearing sunscreen or sun block every time you go outside can go a long way in protecting your skin against sun damage. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 which is recommended by dermatologists.
3. Apply 20 minutes before you go outside
4. Sun block is better for your face because it is more effective at keeping our complexion even and preventing dark spots after acne blemishes and they are more blendable in brown skin tones.
5.Use oil- free sun block if you are prone to break outs.
6. While sunscreens and sunblocks are important in protecting the skin, they also block out the rays that help to make vitamin D0 which provides protection from breast and other cancers so remember to add a vitamin D supplement to your diet.
7. If you use any kind of lightening cream or lotion- SUN SCREEN IS A MUST!
8. Most sun screens and sun blocks come in many forms these days- there's the lotion, the gel and the spray. Check out your local pharmacy to see what selections they have.
Now I am a fan of the spray for my body. I find it easier to apply than the lotion. I've bought the spray over seas with an SPF 45 for about $7 US a can. However I found that they are ridiculously expensive here. Valumart sells the spray for at least $66 EC. Citydrug store is at least $45 EC. I have found though that the shops at Port Zante sell theirs the cheapest, for around $16 us at most stores. The lotions should be cheaper than the spray but you have to rub them in and most of them look ashy on our complexions. So remember this summer that your skin needs protection too. It's necessary!!! Have a great summer and stay posted for more on beauty and make up tips.
Other brands : Try Neutrogena's Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock. It goes on lightly, doesn't turn an oily face into a greasepit and best yet, it won't cast "ghost glow," the annoying white cast that some sunblocks give.
On the more expensive side : La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Lait SPF is the best sunscreen in the world. Cost around $47 US.